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Friday, July 2, 2010

I'm summing up everything that happened past few weeks.
Really no time and my internet and computer is not functioning well.
Even now. T.T
(Not that I'm studying, I'm not that hardworking like Professor Flo or joonee shi)

1.Went to Thailand.
2.Bought Miro con album and DVD!
3.My bonamana album has arrived!!!
4.Wookie, teukie,chulie's bday! Saengilchukkhae! Sorry oppas, have to greet you 3
5.JYJ won the lawsuit!!! Rejoice! Let's just forget the pst and move on
It's easy to be said and not be done, I know
6.Hankyung is officially out of Super Junior.He's releasing an album soon!
7.Went to meet Beast in 1 Utama.
Summary: Dongwoon is super super handsome! Woosh!
8.Tonnes of presentations is making me a crazyming soon. I talk more than last time.
So sorry kuan xin. I'll try my best not to. :)
9.Form 6 business is the hardest ok, who says it's easy compare to other subjects?
I rather study History for hours and not business. Not with the teacher for sure
10.Bought all about DBSK Season 3! Woosh! It's so great, they are so great!
DBSK is so great! Casself misses you so much.
11.Mirotic concert is bomb! Too bad they didn't come to Malaysia. T.T
12.Sj's repackaged album is released and sold 45 thousands in just 2 days!Well done!
Keep it up and we'll always miss you Kangin, Hankyung,Kibum!.
The song A Short Journey written be Eunhyuk, composed by Donghae is just tear
jerking especially with Kangin's voice in it.
Annyong Kangin oppa.
Annyong Hankyung oppa.

13.Another thing, Sue Yen is back! And gone. Haha, she came back for form 6 but
eventually chose to become a private candidate because school is not allowing her
to take arts subject but staying in science. Anyway, good luck and you'll sure
score with flying colours. No doubt

Got to go now, i have toones of notes to go through, economics's exercises, and tuition notes, and presentation, and yet i havent done even one. :)
It's has been a 2 lazy week for me since holidays and I got t gear up for exam. T.T
Wish me luck. No, I hope i can be hardworking. Haha.
Till then...

For me, it's only you , 12:48 AM.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Like Joonee shi, I'll also not be active in my blog anymore...
No time, assignments, tonnes of facts to cram in my little brain,
Loads of history, Asian, Malaysia, World,Islam
Greece,Rome,Babylonians,Egypt,China,Thailand,Myanmar,Malaysia, Japan...
Gosh, I faint
Also not to forget Economics and Business
Have lots to catch up, feel so down when I don't know how to answer the questions
Almost all, but at least not as blank as science
And hey, econs is fun! At least for now, maybe i'll die soon
I regret for not taking economics during form 4
All because of my dad(ask me to take accounts)

And this week many things happened
Few of my friends got JPA
Puri(Melaka Manipal)(Future doctor)
Yen Xin(Japan)

For those who got, congrats, but those who didnt get it, don't be too sad too
Especially Joonee! :=p

And those who didnt get JPA but got other offers
Syamil(uitm)(future doctor)
Razan(mara,future doctor)

Wow, i've got so many doctor friends. Haha

So, me, Joonee, Shirley,Kuan Xin, Chai Peek,Kah Wooi all stay Form 6 lo
Hope all my form 6 science friends can do well! And don't stressed out!
For those who didn't any offers, but went private:
Vincent, Sin Yit,Kim Yong(he got offer, but he doesnt want to go...)

Secondly, I add a new collection to my SJ collectibles!!!

My BIC finally reached!!!
I was so shocked when i saw joonee's mom holding it!!!
Didn't expect it to come so soon!
Here I would like to thank Joonee and her mom for the trouble
So sorry to trouble you, I'll sent it to Flo's house next time.
I thought it will reach much later, but it's so efficient!!!
Of course, as usual, they look like god in those pics, all of them looked good
But I specially like:
Fishy, Hyukkie, Kyu, Hankyungie, Wookie, Yesungie, Sungminnie, Shindongie, Angelteukie, Chulie, Kibumie, Siwon and Kangin

Haha, noticed, i mention everyone's name?
Cause everyone looks hot :P
But I like Fishy, Hankyung and Chulie's. Kyu is ok la,not as gorgeous as them.:P
It's as thick as my PA reference book! Cause i compared them! And, not including the small book with the postcards!
Sneak peak of some pics(taken, not mine)


Of course my Kyu is hot. :P

Hankyung. Really missed him. Guess all ELF did too?

Yesung looks nice in the checkered red shirt!

I missed Kyung so much. :( But as long he's happy.
Don't have time to upload nice pictures
The internet is loading real *fast*
Fishy looks great in this photobook
Hyukkie too, not like now...
Gah, their stylist! Style my hyukkie and fishy into weirdo people. T.T
Woosh!!! I think i just fainted!
I hope to receive SJ 4Jib soon!!!
Seriously, the dvds and cds here are really overpriced, buy online is so, so, so
much more cheaper!!!

Also, I bought Sorry Sorry album Asia version, with DVD of mvs and making inside
*evil laugh*

Third, I decided to study Form 6
I don't know whther my decision is correct or not
But this is my choice right?
No one force me to study with a gun, so I cannot regret later
BAC? Form 6? So I chose form 6
Why? Don't ask me
Because I like torturing myself?
I don't want to separate with my parents yet?
Because I like school? Absolutely no!!!
Because I want to go in public uni?
Because Form 6 has wider options?
Because it's cheaper?
Gosh, I don't know
All I know is that I made this decision and I cannot regret later.
Oh nosh, jaspuffie

Fourth,I changed from Science to Arts stream
Still in the stage of coping, everything is so new to me
Econs is interesting! At least, for now, I hope I don't hate it later.
Sejarah~ Greece, Rome, Egypt,China, Thailand, Japan...
Business~Demand and Supply???
Pa~ I just recently found that my Pa teacher is actually quite cute despite the misunderstandings i had towards her in the past. Hope I don't change my mind.
Hope I can do well!
Fighting! Minjinnie Fighting!
Ps: But I'm lazy. Hehe, need to change the habit!

Fifth,something happened to my friends?
Some of my friends, or most of them is having a problem and I felt so helpless
Seeing them in a depressed state, some opt to leave...
I don;t want to elaborate more
Just hope that everything is gonna be fine and all problems can be solved.

Sixth, tommorow is Wesak and I need to wake up early!
I'm leading a more normal life now
Finally. Yeah!
Sleeping at 12-1 and wake up at 7
Although i prefer to sleep early, but then...
I need to sleep now
Gosh, my whole body ache.
I'm getting old:(
Ps: I really want to write more but my eyes is preventing me from doing so


Annyong my friends! Jjal Jayo~
Will not update often from now

For me, it's only you , 7:39 AM.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Today I did something unforgivable...
Here I would like to say sorry to all my friends!
Sorry!I'm really sorry, there is nothing I can say.
Tomorrow Joonee~ shi will go for an interview for Nanyang scholarships!
Here I would like to say goodluck and hope you get it!!!

Just saw sj's bonamana, the mv is really similar to sorry sorry mv, even the setting...
I have nothing to say, anyhow, I already preorder the album, nothing can be done
I think the dance is quite hard, require a lot of jumping, their legs must have lots of muscle
And, ahh! Angelteuk revealed his abs!
ps: i'm not a pervert...Hihi

For me, it's only you , 10:32 PM.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Form 6
Sj's 4th Album
Kyung's Shanghai World Expo Theme Song

Taman Desa?

The pure, innocent voice is calling out for me...
All the languages can be understood,
All dreams can be achieved,
The world is not far,
War is for today,
Today is meant for tomorrow,
The world is watching us

What can I do to prevent you from crying?
What can I do?
Tell me!
Watching you cry, I just realised I can do nothing for
you, I'm vulnerable...

For me, it's only you , 9:50 AM.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Saturday was upu announcement day
Didn't get it, frustrated...
However, congrats to all my friends who got it!!!
Flo, that lucky girl, congrats for getting a step closer to your dream! Japan!
(This lucky Flopuff got two offer!, what, man yee and me, none... :()
Kim Yong, that guy got it but rejected? He's too rich, ahaha
Soon Chin
Syamil, but chose matrics instead,
Hafidzi, i want his offer!
and so on...

Sad, depressed, frustrated...
But, I regained my smile with my ddukbogi happy meal! Haha
Flo wanted to murder me, so if i'm dead, you know who's the murderer,haha
Went to kepong carrefour and jusco
Shouldnt have ate the japanese rice set, ahhhhhh, it's not nice and expensive too
At first i thought it's not opened at night, but it;s opened and there are lots of ppl!
I went in awkwardly and ordered ddukbogi, the korean waiter try to talk to me, then he realised i'm not korean, haha, and gaved me the menu
I wanted to tell him i want ddukbogi, but decided to point on the menu instead,I don't want to embarassed myself with my lousy korean.
The korean boss spoke fluent english, haha, abit handsome lo, middle aged,not that one we saw the first time, there are three korean boss lo

So with my happy ddukbogi meal, i went home happily that night. Hihi

Happy ddukbogi meal = Happy mingpuff

I watched legend of dbsk too! I'm the one who noticed and told the cassies!
Flo, and sin yit! Ahaha
So nice to see korean on tv, local tv!!!
They are showing more and more kpop nowadays!
What, with shining inheritance,horikita maki's my boys, yunho's httg, ahhhh, it will be hard to control myself not to watch

I want astro so i can watch kbs world la, music bank, aec is showing love letter soon! And there got sj, dbsk and seulgi! Watch it Joonee!

Then yesterday went to 1 U, went to music stores, and noticed so many kpop cds!
Beast's shock
Shinee's Ring Ding Dong
2am's I did wrong
2pm's Heartbeat
Beg's sign
Wonder Girls
Gd's Shine A Light Concert
DBSK Best Selection
And so much more!

Local music stores are getting infested by kpop! Yes! And i want more!
I wanted so much to buy sj's Super Premium live Japan dvd and ss1 Original Korean Version, but no money la, gotta save for sj's 4th album!
Heard the korean elf's ays it's coming out by 15th? Not that fast i think
I was so excited when i saw SJ Super Premium live Japan, but when i saw the price tag, RM 399...Dazed.I put it back immediately, hah

I'm so gonna broke
With ukiss fanmeet, Sj 4th album, Sj's Super Show 2 DVD(must have)
I'm starting to think whether to go ukiss fanmeet or not...
I rather spent it on 2pm heartbeat and 2am's i did wrong, ahaha

For me, it's only you , 11:14 PM.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Listen to my heartbeat, it's beating for upu
Listen to my heartbeat, it's waiting for upu
You stepped up to me and told me it would forever be like that
All the possibilities, opened up Oh~
You can’t escape I got you- Under upu
It's you,
It's you,
I don't need anything else, it's only upu
When you ask again, it's only upu
I can't forget upu, I can't turn back around
Oh whatever anyone anyone says
It doesn't matter to me
Even when my heart sets on fire, my dry lips wear out
Even when I'm born again, it's still only you
I keep praying, don't forget it, baby we keep the faith eternally!
Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry
I I I first
For you for you for you I fell
Fell fell fallen upu
Upu is pain, Upu is over
Upu is pain,pain, over, upu (break it)
You are full of Mystery, Mystery, Mystery, Mystery,
You came and stepped on my heart on the way
I can’t even escape it now
I don’t fall behind, I’m still useful, I haven’t died yet
because of you, my body destroyed, my dream disappeared, my mind lost
No No
You are my heart heart heart breaker i don’t know what i did wrong
You are my heart heart heart breaker no way no way
I'm a loner, I'm a loner.
I'm a loner being sad at upu, shedding tear at upu,
Sad sad sad sad sad sad sad tonight.
One two three four five six seven night,
I'm cheering up myself passing many nights awake.
Why you make me suffer,
I'm gonna be ok,
Without you, i'll go on form 6
I don't need you
It's you, even you turned your head against me,
It's you, I can't let you go even i die,
In the start I gone crazy for you, you are my mirotic
Sorry sorry sorry sorry, I I I I I I I first fell for you,
Don't leave me upu
I'm a loner

(Crazy mashup of several song's lyrics, the product of being too bored and stuck up in house, copyrights reserved, haha, i'm sure you guys know what song right?)

For me, it's only you , 10:20 PM.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Fishy donghae, Don't cry!


The crazy wait of form 6, upu, super junior's 4th album, dream concert, ukiss Malaysia fanmeet.


Good, i;m getting emo again

April is ending soon,welcome May,
where Hankyung's leaving,
Sj's 4th(probably last album is releasing),
I'm crying because Sj's gonna disband,
Crazy form 6 life is starting,
Upu's results(Probability of getting it is 0%),
Still thinking whether to buy ukiss fanmeet tickets,

Today, i read the sad post again, emo-ing...

Kyungie in hospital, i think?

Skip this if you are not interested
It has mentioned many many times already, 4th album very probably is the last album.

There're so many reasons behind this :

- Hangeng left,
- Old members have to enroll into army after 4th albums,
- Some members have to continue their career in other aspects like acting (Heechul,Siwon,Kibum) or MC (Leeteuk,Kangin,Shindong,Eunhyuk) ect.

Originally, SJ is a multi-talented group. They don’t focus on just singing and dancing more likely a boy Band TVXQ. SM has tried to spread these 13 members into different areas all over Europe and Asia in each every field Of their Talent . After the 4th album they hardly have a chance to get together for a reason of achieving their further dreams and career.

It’s hard to explain this very clearly, but one thing for sure, Korean and Chinese ELF are ready for this last album already.

How about you? are you ready too? if ever this Rumor is true that the 4th album is going to be the last ALBUM of SuJu- ELF all Over Asia and Across The Europe must get ready as well.

It's hard to explain this very clearly, but one thing for sure, Korean and Chinese ELF are ready for this last album already. How about you? What SJ in your mind is all started from "Sorry Sorry" only. Please trust Korean and Chinese ELF . We followed SJ for years already. We are telling you the reality by our observation.

This is ELFs Conversation :

E.Z. : “while waiting for Sujus 4th album—
we are also waiting for a group that are going to disband.
we cant do anything but just helping them to achieve their goal T_T
we should be happy.”

M.F.: that’s what i want to tell you guys dun ask :what can i do to stop them disbanding.

EZ : whenever that time comes… can we be still friends?
all of elf?


E.Z.: thanks for the message… but it keeps me sad.T_T
the last album T_T

M.F. : it’s sad but true korean and chinese noticed about this long long time ago.

E.Z. : what are we going to do if they got disbanded…?T_T

M.F : nothing can do just like what tvxq fans right now,they can keep their faith onlywhat we can do is to cherish 4th album, i think SJ won’t disband, but they will have solo activities instead of working together

E.Z. : … wish they look forward for a comeback.

M.F. : who?

E.Z. : suju…

Q:There's no news from allkpop.There's no news from SME or SJ.
A:That's normal.Have you heard any news about "TVXQ's lawsuit" before they have arguments with SME?Before H.O.T disbanded,who knew they would broke up?(Fans of them please don't mind.I'm just giving examples)Who can be sure that the band will be together or seperate 1 year later?No one knows the future.

Q:I don't believe this until SJ say that.
A:Reading my message makes you cry already.It's hard to imagine if SJ tell you by their mouths.By the way,most of the time,SJ can't express their actual ideas because they're idols.They have to behave well and take care what they have said(Korean Antis are terrible).They're unable to tell what they want in their hearts.How can you expect them to tell you this?That's why we have to observe by ourselves.

Q:Sub-group will perform while Heechul and Teukie's going to the army for a time.
A:Yes,but what about the other members?When the 2 old members back,younger members have to join the army as well.Don't forget we have 13 members.When will be the day of their reunion?

Q:I don't think 4th album will be the last.SJ won't disband.
A:This is just a RUMOR.I haven't said SJ will disband.However,after 4th album,they probably have solo or sub-group activities instead of working together.It's hard to see the "entire" SJ again.Isn't this the last chance?Think about it.

I believe all of us love SJ.The main reason is:unlike other groups,SJ is a big family.They are 13 people,work together,play together,laugh together and cry together.It's really sad to see them seperate,right?

Don't ask "What can I do to stop them disbanding?"
Please ask "What can I do to make the 4th album no.1 and have the best 5th year anniversary?"
It's simple.The answers are here:

(1)Buy original albums(Version A) which are imported from Korea.Don't buy albums from your own countries.
Reason:Only Korean original albums(Version A) are counted into the Korean sales chart.The albums that buying from your countries are only counted into overseas' sales chart.Make bulk order from Korean music stores is the only way to help the sales volume and make SJ win.
(For more,please refer to the following link:
http://www.facebook.com/notes.ph ... ote_id=308348198450)

(2)Register for accounts.
Reason:We need accounts for voting and "trial listen".
(For more,please refer to the following link:
http://www.facebook.com/pages/EL ... 332877665637?ref=ts)

While waiting for the 4th album,we are also waiting for a group that have a risk to disband in the unknowable future.

We are fans only.We aren't the one to make decision.We can't stop SJ to disband;We can't stop Hangeng to pursue his own happiness;We can't be sure there will be 5,6,7,8,9,10....Albums.
(One of my friends is TVXQ's fan.She always reminds me:Let them be the champion by all means when they're still on the stage.)

Please make all your effort to let SJ win in all Korean music ceremonies.At least they can leave with victory. If this is going to be the last album,why not make it the best one and end it with the love of all ELF?Why not make sure there's no any regret.

No one knows the future.
We can't make too much assumptions.No matter the "5-year curse" is true or not,it's always our duty to make them no.1 before they say 'goodbye' on stage.

Are you ready now?If ever this Rumor is true that this will be the last album of SJ,ELF all Over Asia and Across The Europe must get ready.

We are fans only.We are not the one to make decision.
BUT we are the one to make SJ feel proud of ELF!

Come on!Let's buy Korean albums,vote and do "trial listen"!
Make 2010 becomes our era!

If you still got questions,feel free to send me a message.I'll reply you as soon as possible.
(I don't think I'm saying something negative.At least the Korean and Chinese ELF feel the same with me.
I swear:What I have said are facts.Sorry again to make you guys cry.Hwaiting for SJ!)

Recommendable MV:One Love
Some of you may not notice it~~~
(2:56-3:13)Part of the lyrics:SJ to the E,to the H.
[E means Eteuk; H means Hyun]

This song (composed by Eunhyuk) was released in 2008 when the rumor of adding new members went around.Everyone were worried but SJ expressed their feeling and comforted us secretly.
SEE!SJ has promised us "Only13"!So let's 13elieve^__^

*[thx again micheLLe for shared~]

this is NOT NEWS!!

this is my comment >> i dun wanna say that SJ must be together FOREVER as a group for my own sake..cuz they have their own dream..they have their own happiness..

IN THE FUTURE..siwon said he want 2 be an actor..teukie said he want to be an MC..kangin said he want 2 be d DJ..shindong, sungmin and yesung said they want to be businessman..

i cant be egoist person..i'LL support whatever SJ's do..NOT SM DO!!BECAUSE IM AN ELF!!i'LL support whatever they said..i'LL support whatever their decision..i'LL support everything d best vo them..

it doesnt matter they'LL disband or not..my Love vo them stiLL d same..my Love vo them wouLdnt change..

even they r not Longer in 1 group *Later* i'LL stiLL support aLL of them..

ELF n SJ forever ♥
Taken from Facebook(Get ready for super junior 4th album)

'All...p' is biased, they are a bit negative towards dbsk and sj...
I'm so getting ready to breakout...
And the war!!!
The war of making sj the best in 2010, the war of getting crazy 4.0 in stpm
Getting ready to be broke too, buying sj's con dvd, 4th album...

It's a crazy world...

For me, it's only you , 11:50 PM.


It's you; blogskin*
. :D


Min Jin

date of birth 10/08/1992 I'm A Leo

Super Junior Super Show 2 DVD Meeting Super Junior Again! I want to meet DBSK too




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